Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The answer is....

The top number is the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator. Most of you got this correct so well done. Some of 5W still need to learn what the denominator is. Let's learn it sooner rather than later!

Here are some fraction charts for you to ponder on. I LOVE FRACTIONS!!!

My big question for you today is this, are you a solid, liquid or a gas? Why? 

Don't forget your homework tomorrow. Put it in your bag as soon as it's done.

See you fantastic students tomorrow.


  1. Hi Mr Walters

    I think we are a solid.

    from DanC

  2. our body is made of solid,liquid and gas.
    Why I say that is because we breath in air
    which is a gas.Our blood is a liquid an our swet is a liquid.I also think that our skin is
    solid and so is our brain

    from cameron

  3. Hi Mr Walters

    I believe that our body is solid,liquid and gas.

    From Luc

  4. Hi Mr Walters,

    The answer to your question is our skin is solid but 70% of us is water.
    Maisy has as many male siblings as she has female siblings,but each of her male siblings has twice as many female siblings as he has male siblings. What is the mix of siblings in Maisy's family?

    No prize this time. My sister got sick today and had to go home in first period.


    Daniel Butcher!!!!

    Who is Wierd!!!!1

  5. Whats Racecar spelt backwards

    answer in 3 seconds your awesome

    if not you still are
    3,2,1 :)

    i <3 !POPSICLES!

  6. I think we are made up of solid,liquid and gases.From Cooper

  7. hi mr walters our body is a solid licd and gas max

  8. hi my name is llewxam figer this out and get a prize from me how ever get this rong no PRIZE . hint .mp

  9. glee rocks

    ( mum is a gleek and i am too)

  10. rara lala is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool

    from raralala

  11. We are solid, have liquids and gases as well.


  12. Hi Mr Walters

    i believe i'm a solid

  13. I think we are solid,liquid and gas.Because our
    bones are solid our blood is liquid and the air is a gas that we breath in.From Cooper
