Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The secret to Math is...

When thinking Mathematically, look for patterns and remember them. This is the secret!

Also, thanks for making my ukulele (whose name happens to be Cash) feel welcome this morning. He said that he's keen to come back again.

Remember that tomorrow you have a S.O.S.E. and Science test. Study hard!


  1. Hi mr Walters.

    the reason I was at sick bay AND WENT HOME EARLY is because i was sitting on the low bar on the play ground when my friend accidently pushed me of I fell of on back and landed on my neck and heard a crack so i went to sick bay and then I went home and i forgot to bring my S.O.S.E and Science book home so i couldnt study for my test tomorow and i couldnt bring my home work book home.

    From Cameron

  2. Hi Mr Walters
    I have done my homework and my sister has a Ukulele

  3. Mr Walters,love Cash your good at playing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FrOm JeNnA

  4. heyow cash

    hoe gaan dit

    + 90876543210987654321
