Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Words you should ever spell incorrectly.

Have a look at this picture. These are the words that you should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER spell incorrectly. Do you get the point? NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!!

Click on it to make it bigger so you can see all the words you are NEVER allowed to spell incorrectly.

Don't forget to wear your sports uniform tomorrow.

Check your diary.


  1. smiggle wiggle bla bla bla bla bla bla bla adgbaiuyhgdfcakirfkiuyjyfrdbjyhagdfjhyagdjhfadvgjhvjhdbgajhdfgjdsvgjagjfdsbcvgj

    from Siwel Ynohtnt

  2. Hi Mr Walters

    You know there are 8 propitious of paper and don't say you don't SAY YOU KNOW

    I HAVE A CRAZY HEAD WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooohhhhhhhh oooooohhhhhh

    I'm sleepy are you answer correct and i get a price please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ROCK I ROCK I ROCK I ROCK oh yer oh yer I LOVE COSMIC and before you say what's cosmic which IS A CRAZY QUESTION it is a lolly brand there happy and you better say yes in a cute and cuddly way Here's a song:Put your seatbelt on put your seatbelt on put your seatbelt on and always do that say monkeys

  3. hello MR walters how are you i'm well nice picter aussie aussie ou ou ou max

  4. i got my own guitar mr walters it is red and black and is sick not lirarly sick but its sick

    from morecan

  5. Hi Mr Walters,these are the things that you should spell right butt,mi,wat,ther,intoo,hav and ov Never Never Ever Spell them like that bye.

    JENNA cOpEr

  6. Oh dear, Mr Walters...NEVER is a word you should never spell incorrectly ever. Did you really mean to leave the 'n' off?? I give you a 'B+' for typing...sorry.
    (sorry, I am only having a joke with you...)
