Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Strike Gold!

If you were ever to find gold while panning, what would you do? What would you do? Would you tell everyone or keep it to yourself? Would you spend it or would you hide it in a safe place and leave it there for years and years?

Imagine if you were broke, what would you do with it then?


  1. Hi Mr Walters
    I would strait away cash it in for money and buy some food that would last me for one or two months if I get enough gold.


  2. Hi Mr Walters,

    If i found gold i would probably try to not tell anybody because if i told somebody they might tell other people and they might try to break in to wherever i live.And then i would get it in a shape of a star and put in a photo frame and keep it their for ever and ever.

    Grace Lyne

  3. Hi again

    can we get prizes for this
    Clue of who it is:My messege was sent at
    6:21PM 10 of May 2011.

  4. I would keep the gold for $money to buy supplies


  5. If i found Gold I would keep it to myself and i would not spend it because then someone would see my Gold and call the Government.

    Ryan Hopkinson

    also so sad about NAPLAN
